Sunday 9 November 2014

Dreadball: the Pink Ladies


Another week has gone by without a post.  It seems increasingly difficult to keep to any kind of schedule, though the immediate reason will pass in due course (my wife has a problem with one eye that has necessitated 4 out-patient hospital visits in the last 2 weeks.  Since she cannot drive at present, that means I have to ferry her to and fro; the travel time and the waiting-around-the-hospital time is really cutting into my hobby hours.  So be it; I promised "for better or for worse" and after all, this isn't remotely the worst that could happen :-) ).

Whatever the cause, I find myself without much time for tonight's article.  I have spent some effort preparing for my overdue "tee shirt decals" article - but that's still not ready yet so please be patient.  Instead, here are some pictures of my 3rd Dreadball team: the "Pink Ladies"

The Pink Ladies

Here's the entire team of the Pink Ladies in one shot.  The team are, of course, built from the official Void Sirens models, but I didn't like the name so much.  I kept the colour scheme pretty much intact, though!

I was having some trouble with the camera  and the flash would sometimes fire and sometimes not.  So if you see some variation in the brightness of the pictures, it's because I'm not going to go back an re-take the photographs!

The Guard

The Pink Ladies have just a single player in the Guard position.  She's quite solidly built and more heavily armoured than the others.  This was quite an awkward model to build; she came in 4 parts, if I remember correctly.

The Jacks

I think that the "official" pictures of the Void Sirens (and other teams too, I suppose) on the Mantic website and in the rule books might be of larger scale "master figures".  There are some very minor differences in the sculpting that I think I've noticed between my versions and those in the books.  Additionally, I don't see how it's possible to paint a 28mm figure to the standard shown on the website!  I suppose it's just about possible that they have a very talented painter to do the job; if so then I am completely envious of that level of ability.

The Strikers

Strikers are the specialised ball handlers in Dreadball.  As such, they wear the lightest armour and are fast and nimble.

The Star Player

Finally (and somewhat unusually for my current rosters), the Pink Ladies have an MVP or "star" player.  Her name is "Wildcard" and she seems to be quite a common model (I got mine as a free offer with some other purchase).  Wildcard's in-game special abilities kick in when her team is losing, thus making her quite an interesting equaliser.

The figure has a somewhat awkward pose, I think - though it makes more sense if she's fending off an opponent whilst preparing to throw the ball.  Anyway, I'm not sure that I'd want to wear platform boots whilst playing a sport...


  1. Very nice indeed. I always find pink a very difficult colour to do anything with but yours are astonishingly bright. Lovely white piping too - very Tron :-)

    1. Thanks, Blax. The pink is actually a mixture of red oxide & white, not the more obvious scarlet & white. It came out nicely, I think.

      Yes, the Tron similarity passed through my mind too :-) .

  2. I hope your wife recovers quickly.

    Nice job on the figures. Perhaps now you should get some pink champagne as a treat for your good lady.

    1. Thank you, Clint - both my wife and I are somewhat tired of this ailment after 3 weeks of affliction.

      Pink champagne, eh? Not a bad idea, though the pink part would probably be lost on her as she doesn't take much interest in my toys :-( .

  3. They certainly live up to their name - the Pink Ladies. I do like how you have painted them.

    I do hope your wife gets well soon.

    1. Thanks, Bryan. The original "Pink Ladies" were, of course, not a sports team - but popular culture can twist and distort anything, can't it :-) .

      Thanks also for your consideration; I'll pass the words on to my wife.

  4. Ahh, the perils of marriage interfering with our hobbies, but we wouldn't have it any other way would we ?
    I do like these a lot but if you're envious of other's brushwork then I'm doomed, as I'm envious of the paint-job you've done on these.

    1. Generally speaking, my marriage and my hobby don't interact much. After all, I don't gamble, smoke, drink excessively or have a dangerous and/or extremely expensive hobby (such as power boat racing), so she doesn't complain :-) .

      There's little future in being envious of anything! I think the only path that makes sense is to be pleased with your own accomplishments whilst always looking for ways to learn more and make (incremental?) improvements. A bland platitude, I know - but it's all I've got...

  5. Cool color combo ... the pink, white, grey and blues all gel nicely.

    1. Well, I didn't really invent the scheme - I just copied the "official" pictures from the Mantic website and the Dreadball rulebooks. But yes, I think it works very well :-) .

  6. Replies
    1. Just so long as no-one mentions Powerpuff Girls!

  7. Unfortunately real life must take priority.
    Lovely paintjob C6!
    Dreadball isn't a bad game, it plays much faster than Blood Bowl, kinda reminds me of the old computer game Speedball. Long live Brutal Deluxe.
    Hope Mrs 6 gets better soon.

    1. Thanks, Bob - you're quite right about the real life thing.

      I've not played enough Dreadball to really get a feel for the game's strengths and weaknesses. However, I'm quite taken with the idea that you only need 8 new models (and no fresh terrain!) to field a team.

  8. They are looking great, Colgar! Especially on the bright photos! :P

    1. Thanks, Mathyoo. I know that the pictures with the flash are better, but I hadn't got the time or the energy to go back and retake the others.
