Thursday, 16 July 2015

Necron Destroyers: completed!


This is a slightly unusual post for 2 reasons:
  1. I don't normally build or paint Games Workshop's sci-fi models.  That's not because I don't like them (many of them are very fine indeed, though a few are just grotesque), but rather because they're so d***ed expensive.  Occasionally I hunt out bargains on eBay though; I have significant numbers of older Tyranids and Necrons...
  2. Few models of mine are inspired by other bloggers, at least not in the short term.  Usually my reaction to seeing someone else's work is to mull it over for a few months or years before deciding whether to do something inspired by it.  However it's only been a couple of weeks or so (hmm, more like 4 or 5 really) since Clint of "Anything but a one" posted several articles on his "Rusty Regiment".  This got me thinking that I have some Necrons of my own in need of some paint...

The Commander

Now, I had painted this guy up some years ago.  He's a Destroyer Lord - a regular Necron body, head and arms mounted on a large anti-grav platform.  Presumably this platform provides the lord with much greater power reserves than legs would, so he's correspondingly tougher than a foot warrior.

The machine itself is an out-of-the-box build, but I've added some scenic elements to the base.  In this case, he's crashing over some sandbags, coils of barbed wire and an unfortunate infantryman.  The human casualty was built up from a spare EM-4 trooper head & torso with some crudely sculpted arms attached.  He's not got any legs, since they would be covered by the vehicle anyway.

The New Guys

As well as the lord, I had built 2 heavy destroyers at the same time.  However I never got round to painting them - until now!

There's nothing much to distinguish the 2 new Necrons apart from the details on the base.  The first one is about to ride over a freshly-dug grave...

...whereas the second destroyer has taken a near miss from an unexploded bomb (bottom right, just behind the vehicle).


Looking at this picture makes it very obvious how the decals on the Lord (on the tail end of his machine) are badly silvered.  I used a different technique on the 2 more recent bodyguards; maybe I'll scratch off the older decals from the first model and apply new ones?

Whilst I have no immediate plans to use these for any game, I'm glad that I've finished the trio.  They're actually very simple to paint; few colours are used and there's not a lot of detail to be picked out.  Hmm - I've still got quite a lot of Necron foot warriors to build - I wonder if I should get them out and make a start...


  1. Very very nice C6. Just a shame with such nice paintjobs and bases they'll not see any tabletop action any time soon. Perhaps you could them as some sort of hellspawn for one of your excellent Ancient Greek "7th Voyages" games?

    1. Well, I might use them for something. Mind you, I don't think I'd pit them against my Argonauts - that doesn't seem like a very fair contest!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Bob. I do quite like them myself :-) .

  3. Replies
    1. Well, it's a very plain paint job, really. Although I hope that it's been done quite neatly :-) .

  4. So much I like about these. From the red gun tubes to the bases. Classic metal is always a sound choice in my opinion (I just wanted to be different). Thanks for the mention and while there may be no immediate use one will come in time I am sure.

    1. Silver and black is indeed very traditional for these models, though I could have been much more imaginative. The red rods were an experiment along the lines of "because I can!", but they worked well, I think.

  5. The look great, and you should be pleased. Good stuff. :)

    1. Thanks - I am pleased with them, I think :-) .

  6. Great job and I love the little extras that you have added to the base to personalise them.

    1. I feel that big models need something of their environment on the base, else they can look a bit bland.

  7. They look great mate. They do make some ace models its just the price point for me. They have to be a bargain for me to pick them up.

    1. Thanks, Simon. These were indeed a considerable bargain when I bought them many years ago. I don't think I'd buy them at anything remotely like full price!

  8. Any chance the new Terminator movie got you all excited about Necrons again? :)
    Congrats on getting them done up. I need to get my old GW stuff painted too ... eventually.

    1. No, I haven't seen the new Terminator movie, but I am aware of its existence. Necrons are definitely a good choice to fight battles against a post-apocalyptic human resistance, though!
