Sunday 4 October 2015

Zomtober 2015 - Week 1


It's Zombtober again (see Brummie's Wargaming Blog if you don't already know what Zombtober is)!  This will be my 3rd Zombtober and, as in 2014 and 2013, I plan to present a series of "duels".  Each week I'll show a new survivor and a new zombie, together with a short description of their current situation.  The question then is "what happens next?"; anyone can join in with opinions or theories.

B.A. vs "Little Girl Zombie" (LGZ)

For week 1, I've finished painting a couple of models that were not-quite-complete after the "Big Tidy".  These figures have been hanging about on my painting desk for a very long time, so Zombtober was the perfect reason to finish them.

"B.A." is, of course, based on the character of B. A. Baracus from the television series "The A-Team", as played by Mr. T (do none of these people have real names, rather than just initials?).  The model is from Foundry's SV037 "B Team" pack.  The figure is a little wooden in pose and I feel that the sculpting is a bit soft (especially of the face), but it is a very recognisable miniature and I'm happy to have it in my collection.

The little girl is, I think, from Studio Miniatures - though their website is down right now and I cannot verify this.  She's been in the wars a bit: her face (especially around the jaw and mouth) is all smashed up and she also has a gaping hole in the side of her torso.  However, she's still clutching her doll.

I painted the doll as a simplified version of "Upsy Daisy", from the popular kids TV series "In the Night Garden"; it seemed as good a starting point as any other.

I have no doubt at all that on an average day B.A. could overpower LGZ physically very easily, either by shooting her or in melee - it's just no contest!  However, I do wonder if his heart is in the job?  B.A. looks a bit vacant; he's either staring at something in the distance or he's lost in thought.  Either way, he's distracted.

If his head isn't in the game then LGZ might be able to bite B.A., though with a smashed jaw even that could be tricky.  No, I think that LGZ's best chances are either to freak out the big man by standing and staring at him, or possibly by moaning loudly enough to attract a pack of adult zombies.

So, who wins?

Week 2 is this way -->


  1. Fantastic start C6, and a wonderful pairing to get Zomtober going. I really like how you've done B.A.'s trousers as you've definitely captured the denim-look imho. Sadly I don't believe he'll survive for too long though as no-one was every killed in his TV series - something which can't be said for "The Walking Dead"!!! Great stuff my friend and your pairings are undoubtedly one of the highlights of Zomtober in my books :-)

    1. My "denim recipe" is very simple: paint with Wedgewood blue (a pale, blue with a hint of grey to it) and then wash with a dark blue-black. Sometimes it works really well, sometimes it's merely OK - it probably depends on how thin the wash is (I mix my own, fairly unscientifically).

      So you think that B.A is too soft to survive the apocalypse, do you :-) ? You think he'' fold at the first hint of *real* violence? Maybe...

  2. Brilliant start, B.A. really should win this one, armed to the teeth as he is.

    1. If B.A. gets physical then this is over in a heartbeat! But I wonder if he can bring himself to do the deed - he looks distracted to me.

  3. Another great duel continuing your tradition. Great stuff. :)

    1. Thanks! For a "tradition" that started with an accident, I'm quite proud of how popular the duels have become :-) .

  4. Excellent job dude! Love BA I must get around to getting me an A Team set from either Foundry or Studio! I painted the zombie kids last year a cool and creepy set thats for sure :)

    1. Thanks, Simon. I got (I think) 3 of Foundry's A-Team as part of some eBay purchase many years ago. I've always kind of regretted missing the 4th character...

  5. Although zombies on a plane would probably be an especially bad thing. I'm not sure that anywhere is really safe...

  6. B.A.'s mind is clearly focussed elsewhere. I doubt if he even knows LGZ is there. Still, he'll soon find out when she bites him. At which point he'll bash her skull in. He'll later die from the zombie bite so I guess that'll make this match a draw.

    1. Well, she'll find it hard to bite him with her smashed jaw (and through denim or gold bracelets at that). Although I do agree that B.A. seems to be in a world of his own at the moment...

  7. The "duel" concept is very cool as is the painting of these figures. An excellent first entry.

    1. Thanks, Robert. There's no reason why other cannot pick up similar themes if they wish ("Weird and Wonderful", "The Horde", "Zombies through History" might be some examples). However, in the spirit of Zomtober, *any* progress by &anyone* should be applauded :-) .

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, HW. I don't think it's the greatest sculpt around, but it is very recognisable, isn't it?

  9. I pity the fool that thinks B.A.'s distracted. Go A-Team.

    1. So, you think that B.A. is just about to spring into action? You could be right...

  10. What BA needs to do is get locked into a barn and then build a "Junk" Tank before escaping by helicopter that he was tricked into! I am sure that was 90% of the plot along with guns that could only hit tires! (but never people, cars (except the tires) or even buildings!)

    A cracking zombtober start!

    1. Sounds over-complex when he could just whack the child zombie with the butt of his gun, but your way would probably be more entertaining :-) .

  11. I pity the fool zombie that messes with B.A. Good stuff. I'm also using Zombtober to try and finish up those half finished projects. Not to mention Orctober and Orktober. Ughh!

    1. Yes, it's a good motivator to get stuff done, isn't it? Sounds like you've got a lot planned, mind!

  12. I loved your duels last year C6! Great to see you continuing with them. Really nice work as usual dude. You just know B.A.'s gonna rip her little rotten head clean off!

    1. Thanks, Bob - this is the 3rd year running that I've gone with the "duel" theme.

      So, you have no doubt that B.A. will win, then? Maybe...

  13. I'm a big fan of your zombie cuplets and these two are no exception even if a bit of a mismatch. The girl is a stunning figure but as you admit, BA is a bit 'wooden' - so I'm reckoning he's been pre-flight drugged

    1. Thanks, Joe. Your suggestion that B.A. might have been drugged actually tallies with one of my own ideas - that he's stoned! However, I hesitated to advance the possibility before, at least in part because I don't think there was even the vaguest hint on the TV show that would support such a serious accusation.

      No, I think that B.A. is simply lost in a daydream...

  14. Good paint job on both miniatures, particularly on the small girl who looks absolutely creepy.

    1. Thanks, F.E.M. I don't think she's my favourite child zombie (there's something about her face that I find odd), but I'm glad you like her.
