Thursday 14 February 2019

The Pledge: update


A short while ago, I made a pledge: here.  For anyone who doesn't want to revisit that article, I promised myself that I would only start one brand new model for every two part-completed pieces in my collection that I finished off. This was aimed at helping me to reduce the numbers of my many "stagnant" models; pieces which had been started (built, undercoated, or even partially painted) but for a variety of reasons had not been completed.

Well, it's time for an update, I think...


For the most part, I have indeed been sticking to my self-made promise.  There was one set of new purchases that excited me too much and I have started them even though I didn't have "credit" to do so.  However, that's only a slight wobble and (at least in theory) these models are straightforward and should therefore be completed with very little effort.

Apart from that glitch, here's the list of pieces which I have finally finished:

A couple of Dreadball hangers-on.  One coach/owner and an excitable fan...

More "Nightfolk".  These (and others) will form my "green" warband for Frostgrave - or any other game, really

A flock of Stymphalian birds for my ancient Greek heroes to encounter.  These are cranes from some 'O' gauge railroad supplier, though I did paint their beaks bronze, as they should be for flesh-eating, armour-piercing monsters of death!

A pair of bramble thickets.  With a few more of these, I could really populate a gaming table with some difficult terrain...

So, the above are on the "credit" side; they were all models that I had begun before I took the pledge.  By my own self-imposed rules, finishing these 19 pieces permits me to begin 9.5 brand new models.  Here's how I used some of that credit:

3 shifty-looking Zanzibaris, to add to my Congo column.  I've got quite a few more, but am not yet ready to start painting them.

Another 5 ninjas for Test of Honour.  Painting black isn't terribly exciting (and I don't think I did it very well in this case), but at least they're finished and ready for action.

So, there we have it.  I've stuck to my promise (mostly) for 2 months; let's see how much longer I can sustain it!


  1. keep going dude, i'd like to say i'm doing the same but I'm drowning in unpainted minis

    1. Ah, it's not the unpainted ones that are the problem; they can just stay in boxes/bags/whatever until I need them. No, it's the part-painted, undercoated or even just assembled models that take up all the desk space!

  2. That's excellent progress in my books. Lots of minis painted and painted well.

    1. ...and yet it's a mere drop in the ocean compared with all the projects I have :-) !

  3. I do admire the pledge. I suspect I should do the same.

    (BYW There is no historical evidence to Ninja ever wearing black suits. But as long you you are happy no problem here)

    1. If it's any comfort to you, I don't know if I can keep this up for much longer :-( . Still, I'm going to try.

      Sure, my ninjas are probably not really any more historically accurate than a samurai who devotes his life to perfecting the art of the sword, or a master bowman who can split an arrow that's already in the target, or shoot an apple off his son's head, or... But I like larger-than-life, heroic games - and everyone knows that ninjas are black-clad spies/infiltrators :-) !

  4. Way to go C6 ! Congrats on sticking to (ahem) to your pledge !

    1. Thanks, Joe. Yes, sticking to my word, completely. Well, mostly. Pretty much, actually - there was just the one slip...
