Sunday 20 August 2017

Relic Knights: Black Diamond


Last week, I showed my first faction for Relic Knights: the Shattered Sword.  This week, I've got another small faction completed, so here are my Black Diamond mercenary corporation.

Leopold Magnus

As with other factions, Black Diamond squads are led by a Questing Knight or a Relic Knight.  In this case, the leader is Leopold Magnus, a Questing Knight.  He's a cyborg of some type, considerably larger than a human and thoroughly evil.  Cross Darth Vader with The Terminator and you're somewhere close...

Leopold is accompanied by Static, his cypher (familiar).  This is a strange creature, a bit like a medium-sized dog with horns, but there's nothing remotely friendly about Static.

Diamond Corps

The foot soldiers for this faction are called Diamond Corps.  They're fairly ordinary human soldiers, armed and armoured in a style that is clearly derived from modern, real-world troops.  Consequently, there's not really much more that I can say about them.

Note that these models are not especially well-sculpted and they came to me second hand and already assembled (somewhat indifferently).  I've done what I can to rescue them, but they're not my favourite figures.  I believe these are 1st edition sculpts; the current Kickstarter 2nd edition versions are, by all accounts, vastly improved.

M-8 Blitz Autotank

The M-8 is a small, robotic tank.  It's not clear whether it is completely autonomous, or if it is controlled remotely by a human operator (in the same manner as a modern drone).  Whilst clearly not designed for front line warfare, it is a powerful unit in a small skirmish.

It has a quirky design that marks it out as a totally unique vehicle.  I rather like it...

One Shot and Fritz

Even though she appears to be just a slip of a girl, One Shot is a Relic Knight.  That means that she has a cypher (the little mannequin, Fritz) and also a relic (a large, stompy robot).

As with the Shattered Sword, the large walker/robot took longer to paint than most models because of its greater size.  However, it wasn't nearly as time-consuming as I feared it might be.  I have to admit that I'm rather pleased with the end result!

In this case, the walker/robot is armed with the largest sniper rifle anyone has ever seen.  Supposedly, in game terms, One Shot is an all-or-nothing model: most of the time she won't get to fire or will miss her target.  However, a single solid hit on a critical enemy model will be a game changer...


Once again, I've enjoyed painting these models (with the possible exception of the Diamond Corps: they were a bit of a chore).  I don't know how/when/if I'll ever use them, though I now have 2 completed forces for Relic Knights and therefore enough figures to play a game.  We'll see...


  1. My goodness they are absolutely stunning!

  2. Very shooty and very nice C6. I like the relic knight with the sniper rifle especially

    1. I think it would more accurately be called an "anti-tank gun", except that it does seem to have a telescopic sight on top of the barrel...

  3. Fantastic job on this second faction of relic knights (surely you'll squeeze a game in at some point in the future?) - "One Shot" immediately brought "Tank Girl" to mind for some obscure reason ;-)

    1. Yes, I can see something of a resemblance to "Tank Girl", although without a lot of the crudity.

  4. Though not my "thing" these do look great and what a contrast to the Shattered Swords.

    1. I'm still trying to figure out whether they're really "my thing" or not. Perhaps they're a bit of a guilty pleasure, for the moment...

  5. Looking very good. (even if they are not COAL!) snigger

    1. No, nothing to do with coal, Clint. But thanks anyway :-) .

  6. They all look fab but I love that tank it reminds of the Metal Slug games.

    1. I hadn't heard of Metal Slug before, but yes - there's a distinct family likeness there!

  7. Wow ... you completed yet another faction and still have time to spare to get a game in. Nice! :) I can barely finish the painting part as it is. XD

    1. Well I haven't actually played a game yet - but I've now got 2 forces and I *could* play a game, real soon now :-) .
