Sunday 28 September 2014

They came from beneath the waves!


It's not often that I show any of my 28mm Doctor Who miniatures.  Mainly this is because they don't get used in many games and so they languish in half-forgotten storage.  It takes me some effort to find them, so it's usually easier to present something else.

This time I was determined to catalogue my Sea Devils, so I made the effort to uncover the correct box and get them out.  Indeed, I did this twice since the first batch of photos were all badly focussed - I only realised this when transferring the pictures from my camera to the computer after putting the models away for the first time.  Ah, the troubles I go to for you lot...

Sea Devils

The bulk of this force consists of 7 regular Sea Devil warriors.  Why 7?  Well, because the models come from Black Tree Design and that just happens to be the number of figures in one of their sets, though you can buy them singly as well.

There are 2 poses amongst these models, though both are quite similar to each other.  Each Sea Devil is holding up its "heat ray", though they look very much like 1970s car headlamps to me!


There are 2 Sea Devil models in heavy armour available from Black Tree Design.  I use these figures as leaders, though I suppose they could just as well be assault troops or elites of some kind.

Again, the models are quite similar to each other, though not identical.


In the 1970s episodes, the Sea Devils had a pet/ally/slave creature called a "Myrka".  It has very thick hide and is therefore resistant to bullets and other projectiles, though it's sensitive to light and can be driven into a mindless frenzy by the smell of blood.

While the concept is reasonable enough, this isn't one of the better-looking monsters from the Doctor Who show.  Indeed, it looks very much like a pantomime horse: 2 men in a bad costume.  No doubt some 40 years ago small schoolchildren found it a lot more scary than the pantomime animal!

All Together

So, I think I have enough Sea Devils for a reasonable skirmish game, especially if I add in the Master or some Silurians to control them!  What's stopping me so far is my lack of appropriate terrain, as I don't have any coastal scenery or suitable buildings/vessels and fittings.  Hmm, how big would a model of a lighthouse need to be to go with 28mm figures, I wonder?


  1. I really like the sea devils and remember them very well from all those years ago. Your versions are really great. It would be good to see them in action. who knows what lurks in those old smugglers caves or that abandoned light house perched on the cliff.

    1. Damn - I'm sure I've already got an unpainted model of the mad lighthouse keeper (with lamp). I wonder how I'd build a lighthouse model?

  2. These are great. The Sea Devils are one of the monsters who always cry 'Jon Pertwee' to me - very much of their time. If fact, the first (out of focus) pics might have been more in keeping with the 'man in a string vest over a rubber suit' vibe.

    Don't let your lack of terrain hold you back - it never bothered Silvester McCoy! In

    1. Hah, you're right! I could just set such a game in a quarry, couldn't I :-) ?

  3. Very nice Hugh - are they from Black Tree Design?

    1. Yes, they are. As far as I know, Black Tree Design are the only makers of such models.

    2. On the 28mm Lighthouse - have you seen this:
      for that one the answer is 33cm ... ;)

    3. Drat it! I can't stop thinking about model lighthouses now :-( ...

  4. These amused me quite a lot, probably too much - I think it was you mentioning the pantomime horse resemblance. needless to say though we want to see them in a game.

    1. Hmm, I'm not getting to play so many games these days. But I'll see what I can do...

  5. I love the Sea Devils and always thought they were one of the better Pertwee villains.

    1. You know, I've never actually seen an episode which has Sea Devils in it...

  6. They looks great and Pantomime horses give me the chills!

    1. Thanks, Simon. Try this for size: .

    2. I think its because the poor sod at the back has his up someone else's ass for far to long imo

  7. I'm not a particular fan of Doctor Who, but I can always appreciate the pig/bird amphibians with car lights and that "pantomime horse". It sure does look like that. I wonder who thought it would be a good idea to put a turtle shell on it! :D

    A light house just has to be as tall as the paper roll!

    1. Thanks, Mathyoo. I smiled at the paper roll idea, though I think if I were to make a lighthouse it might have to be a bit more than just that!

      Hmm, my daughter has a Lego lighthouse model. It even has a flashing light at the top...

  8. FYI, Citadel brought out a set of three Sea Devils when they owned the licence for Doctor Who miniatures many years ago. I still have them. Nice work on this bunch, Hugh.

    1. You're right - I keep forgetting about the Citadel Doctor Who range. It's true 25mm, if I remember correctly, so a bit smaller than most of today's figures. Also incredibly rare and difficult to find now, I believe.

  9. Great work C6.
    These bring back some rose tinted memories, thank you very much.
