Sunday 12 October 2014

Zomtober 2014 - Week 2

<-- Week 1 is this way

Zomtober Week 2

It's week 2 of Zomtober 2014 and therefore time for another of my 28mm duels between a zombie and a survivor.  This time it's the turn of Kurt and Basketball Fan Zombie (hereafter known as BFZ, for short).

BFZ is a straightforward plastic zombie from Studio Miniatures.  Obviously he was a sports fan when alive and no, I didn't suddenly develop an extremely steady hand with a paintbrush in order to add those markings!  Instead, I've been experimenting with using home-made decals for tee shirts; he is the first result of such labours.  More on that another time.

Kurt, on the other hand, is a minor conversion of a Wargames Factory male survivor.  His body and head are straight out of that kit, as is the left arm - but the right arm has been altered somewhat.  His weapon of choice (or perhaps necessity rather than choice?) is a fire extinguisher.  It's a metal component that came, I think, from a VOID vehicle accessory sprue - though I could be mistaken about that.

Both of these figures are mounted on some of the Escenorama urban bases that I mentioned in my last post.  I think they paint up quite nicely, myself...

So, who will win this duel?  I don't think I fancy Kurt's chances much, though I suppose it depends how the zombie reacts to the fire extinguisher.  Perhaps the man is hoping to distract or blind BFZ for a few moments so that he can turn and flee?  Alternatively, it's quite a big extinguisher and therefore should have some clout if it could be swung effectively.  But my money's still on the zombie...


  1. LMFAO Brilliant duel! Love the last pics

    1. Thanks, Simon. It was fun putting this post together.

  2. fabulous minitatures, great little story - but I'm most blown away by the detailing on the bases. They're fantastic!

    1. Thanks, Herbert. The bases aren't perfect, but they're pretty good, I think.

  3. Absolutely great stuff. Love the decal, love the bases, love the photos... 'nuff said :-)

  4. Another great duel. This duels idea is superb - kudos. :)

    1. Well I don't claim copyright on the idea. If anyone else were to "theme" their Zomtober posts then I'd be interested to see what could be done. You could have "zombie kill of the week", "the horde" or any number of other such phrases as the trigger.

  5. This is priceless, I'm thinking the zed this time, but I love the final photograph.

    1. Yes, I think I'd put my money on BFZ. Not a certainty, though.

  6. Keep up the good work, mate. Excellent idea for Zomtober and very well executed!

    1. I'll try, Chris. Thought with each wave of positive comments it gets harder and harder to keep up the standard for the *next* week :-) .

  7. Great job again this week C6!
    Echoing others, the duel idea is brilliant.
    Kurt looks more like a ghostbuster than a zombie hunter, he's going down.

    1. Ha, he does look a bit like a Ghostbuster, now that you mention it! I imagine that a proton pack would obliterate a zombie easily enough - if only he'd brought it with him...

  8. I love Kurt. I genuinely laughed when I registered the second picture and saw the fire extinguisher. I'd assumed shotgun from the first picture.

    1. Brilliant! I posed the first picture very deliberately so that you could only see Kurt's back, in the hope that the second picture would amuse. I'm so glad that it worked that way, Kieron - thanks!

  9. They are truly exceptional, Hugh!

    1. Thanks, Bryan. Now I've got to keep up the standard for week 3 - I tell you it's getting harder and harder :-) .

  10. Great pairing C6 and the bases looks great too. Fire extinguisher as a weapon ? I'll back the zombie I think.

    1. Yup, the consensus seems to be that the zombie will win this one. But who knows - maybe (just maybe) zombies are allergic to foam?

  11. I don't know what I like more. The decal t-shirt, Fire Extinguisher or the cinematic clud. Great stuff.

    1. As I said before, it's going to be hard for me to keep up this standard. I'm really pleased with the reactions to this pair of figures.

  12. Very cool, very well done! I love the duel, exciting stuff, keep it coming!

    1. Thanks, N667. I'm sure there are very many more "duel" possibilities. I've just got to keep up the level of execution (pun not entirely intended!).

  13. Great duel. I think the fire extinguisher will be the one to survive the apocalypse.
    I love the level of details on the zombie.

    1. Thanks, Cedric. I give credit to the guy with the fire extinguisher for *trying* - at least he didn't just give up. Maybe he's cunning enough to survive?

    2. I was thinking the actual extinguisher :) The zombie would likely be killed later on by somebody and the human would be brain feeding the said zombie. The extinguisher will not be emptied during that fight, and the extinguisher will have a good life and a retirement.

  14. Well done indeed! Love the small story to these guys as well.

    1. Thanks, LS. I haven't really attempted any back story with the models in my duals, so it's really up to your imagination to work out how they happened. Hopefully there are enough details in the models for viewers to form their own versions!

  15. Best use of cotton wool! A very nice duel.

    1. Actually, the shot with the cotton wool was something of an afterthought. The other pictures looked a bit static to me, so I added something to suggest a moment of action. Whether it's enough to blind the zombie and let Kurt escape is open to debate, of course.

  16. Brilliant! and I love how you've painted the survivors face.

    1. Thanks, r.a.e. I didn't think there was anything very special about the survivor's face, but I'm pleased that you liked it.

  17. Superb! The cotton wool pic had me in stitches, wondeful!

    1. Again, thanks, Z.A. The last picture was just an afterthought, to put a bit of life into what seemed to me to be rather a static composition.

  18. Nice work! I've been pondering the logos on T-shirts for some time myself. How do you find making your own? Do the home made decal kits work well? Any vendors out there take note, 28mm t-shirt decal sheets would do well!

    1. Thanks for taking an interest, Terry. I think the subject of decals is large enough to warrant an article all of its own, so I hope you won't be disappointed if I defer answering these questions out of the larger context for now. I do plan to write such an article soon, though probably not for a week or two.

  19. Fantastic as always! I like the fire extinguisher, it might not be the best weapon, but it looks great!

    1. Sometimes you just grab the nearest thing, if you're desperate enough! Thanks, Mathyoo.

  20. These are great! The fire extinguisher is fantastic!

    1. I've had a number of bits like that kicking about my spares box for years (and I got tired of the traditional assault rifle, shotgun or katana). I might see if I can sculpt a rollling pin some day - shouldn't be too hard :-) .

  21. Very well done. Like others here, I got a kick out of the final picture.

    1. Thanks, Finch! I'm still not sure if it does Kurt much good, or whether it gives him enough of a distraction to escape...

  22. Nice work. I've drastically fallen behind on zom(b)orctober. I'm all ears on the decals. I bought some testors printable decal sheets awhile back, but never used them.

    1. Thanks, Sean. I will describe my experiences with decal paper in due course, once I've got my thoughts on the matter in order...
